Axis Adventure Camps

Biking Abilities


Never ridden a balance bike, or can ride a balance bike but cannot pedal


Can pedal on their own (without stabilizers) and start/stop by themselves
Rides paved valley trail, and is learning to stand and pedal
Can control their speed on declining pavement
Learning to ride flat gravel trails
Learning trail safety


Can start and stop on their own and can use their hand brakes to control their speed
Can start using a power pedal on flat terrain
Can pedal uphill standing up
Learning to ride downhill standing up
Starting to ride easy single track
Understands trail safety and usage



Understands trail safety and usage
Looks ahead on the trail
Can stand up riding downhill and standing pedal uphill
Can modulate their brakes going downhill on green single track
Can ride green trails up and down, and can ride easy features such as bridges and rock rolls
Can ride down blue single track, learning to ride up
Learning to use their gears
Learning to ride harder bridge and rock features



Can use their gears and modulate their brakes
Can ride up and down blue trails
Can ride technical terrain and features
Learning to ride black trails